Your masterpoints over time are maintained by the American Contract Bridge League – their website is
On that website, near the top there is a button for MyACBL. Pressing this the first time allows you to create a login using your seven digit ACBL number.
MyACBL displays your profile including your current ACBL mastepoints and rank. It also provides numerous functions. On the left side there are options allowing you to change your profile and privacy settings (It is suggested that you initially review these for accuracy, then re-review them on occasion).
The left menu also has a selection My Results. Pressing this allows you to review your personal results in sanctioned ACBL games from tournaments, at clubs and online. Keep in mind that while tournament postings are fairly current (within a day or two of the event), many clubs post several events once at the end of the month.
For seeding purposes in most stratified events, you should report “Total Points” – not “Total (including Pending)”. The ACBL does an update early each month to incorporate pending points.
Most directors and tournament seedings are fairly forgiving if you are within a few points either way of what you report, but be careful – if you underreport for the event you are entering, you may be disqualified.