Unit 361 supports any unit member who is interested in becoming a director. Through 2023 and 2024, the unit will reimburse you for course materials and test fees, once the test is passed.
Here is a quick description of the various forms that bridge directing can take, along with information on getting started. If you are interested, email the president of Unit 361 to inform us of your plans, and keep the unit posted as you progress.
- Club Director: Qualified to direct games at any club, to direct Intermediate/Newcomer tournaments, and to direct bridge games on cruises. Materials are available from Baron Barclay. Watch here for online course dates: https://www.acbl.org/portfolio/director-courses/. The course fee including test is $50; test only is $15. Compensation is by agreement between the parties.
- Tournament Assistant: Qualified to be hired by a local tournament organizer to help out at a sectional or regional tournament. People who have passed this test are generally approved to run an Intermediate/Newcomer sectional tournament. There are no materials or training program. The test fee is $50. For more information about the test, contact Tony Greene: [email protected]. Compensation is by agreement between the parties.
- Local Sectional Director: Qualified to run Local Sectional tournaments (a new tournament type). Must be qualified as a Club Director or Tournament Assistant, then pass the Local Sectional Director test. Go here for more information and to register: https://www.acbl.org/portfolio/director-courses/. Materials are provided after registration. Compensation is by agreement between the parties.
- ACBL Tournament Director: Qualified to direct events at sectional, regional, and national tournaments (depending on experience and seniority). It is not necessary to be a club director first. In Unit 361 (and the rest of the western USA), interested persons should contact Matt Koltnow: [email protected]. The applicant must pass a test and an audition, both free. Compensation starts at $16/hour, and expenses (transportation/mileage and per diem) are covered.